Now that’s a bridge…

Albion River Bridge crosses Albion River on Mendocino Coast, carrying Hwy 1 on its back…

Built in 1944, it’s the last remaining wooden bridge on California Hwy 1. The bridge is scheduled to be replaced between 2018 and 2021. Some folks don’t want to see it go. A campaign to place the wooden deck truss bridge on the National Register of Historic Places has been launched by Albion residents.

Since 1861, Albion River has been crossed by a bridge. However the crossing was very low. Precarious inclines had to be navigated before crossing the low-lying bridge. Replacement during WW II required wood, some salvaged, to be used. Concrete and steel were in short supply.

Perched below the bridge and bordered by Albion River and the Pacific, The Albion River Campground has the best view and photo ops of the bridge. It’s also one of the best RV/camping parks on the coast. After your photos, stop in to the Flat’s Café for breakfast, lunch or some fish stories.

Thanks for stopping by, MaryGo

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Dawn says:

    Interesting view from the campground! Do they get flooded much?

    1. It’s certainly happened, especially in Spring with melting snows from the mountains. In our 6th year of drought, it’s been dry. Winters are probably the time of year this park is least used. Wild surf and strong winds make it a bit on the chilly side. Boating and fishing are restricted to the docks and way up-river. Even then, currents and tides can be daunting. But there are those that love that time of year. It’s an amazing spot for storm watching. –MaryGo

  2. Lady Eloise says:

    Love all these tidbits of history regarding the Mendocino Coastline! I’m learning so much and it inspires me to get out and do more exploring and photography. Thanks!

    1. Thank you Debra. We should go on a Mendocino County photo adventure together. I’ve had loads of stills and video shoots to do up and down the coast for a story and video I’ve been assigned. It’s been great fun. I especially love the bridges. Albion River Bridge is so special. I think it’s challenging to shoot, goodness knows I have enough attempts. Watch the September Packet for the Mendo County Fair story. I’m sure they will use your photos, with credit of course. Great to hear from you and thanks for the comment. –MaryGo

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