Surviving A Heatwave When Traveling

A heatwave seems to be affecting much of the planet.

If your travel destination is experiencing a heatwave, your dream vacation or vital business trip can be a disaster.

Wander With Wonder published my collection of 20 tips for beating the heat. Perhaps they can help you make the most of your travels when the heat is unbearable.

More Heatwave Tips

Watch a video of a cool place.

A dip in the sea, lake or river in early morning or late afternoon can cool you down. Can’t get to water? Find a video to watch.

Lighten your load with baking soda

Another way to survive a heatwave when traveling is to pack light. Lugging around heavy bags can be difficult when the thermometer rises. Substituting baking soda for things like toothpaste, exfoliator, first aid creams, and other things is an easy way to reduce weight and bulk. Check out my suggestions by clicking the title below.

Pack the Baking Soda…

10 Things baking soda can replace making that suitcase lighter.

Useful links for extreme heat

Thanks for stopping by, MaryGo

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